2019 year while we were going to have Sri Mohan Jadhav Guruji's darshan, On my way I thought in my heart I miss my Sadhguru Sri Vittal Babaji because if My Sadhguru was physically present he would have held my little boy Vallabha but Vallabha born after Sri Vittal Babaji's Mahasamadhi. Hence we missed that golden opportunity and my heart was totally filled with all my memories with my Sadhguru Sri Vittal Babaji while I was going to have Sri Mohan Jadhav Guruji's darshan. After we reached the place I bowed to Guruji and waited to hear his discourse later after completion of the Satsang, to my surprise Sri Mohan Jadhav Guruji took my little boy Vallabha close to him and held him the same way my Sadhguru Sri Vittal Babaji did with my first child Srikrupa !!!. ( The same way I was thinking while on my way to have Guruji's darshan) I felt very happy that my wish got fulfilled.
This experience is a very special and heart touching experience to me because though forms are different but Gurushakti always remains the same
After having Sri Mohan Jadhav Guruji's darshan and after listening to his discourses from "Swami Samartha speaks Guruji Pravachana audio links" whatever the information my soul has been searching over the years been answered, not only that but also all the aarti, the thirst that my soul has over the years also been fulfilled. Before listening to Guruji speeches, to be honest, I always craved to have Sadhgurus darshan whoever visits the US but after Sri Mohan Jadhav Guruji entered into my life and the way my life started transforming all my cravings, thirst everything got settled and I am not interested anymore in going to have any Sadhgurus darshan whoever may come to the US because all my thirst been answered and fulfilled with Sri Mohan Jadhav Gurujis darshan also by listening to his discourses. It's a true transformation for a sincere devotee. From the bottom of my heart, I thank my Sadhguru Sri Vittal Babaji for showing Sri Mohan Jadhav Guruji in my life to understand the truth and also to walk on the path of truth to fulfill this human birth to achieve "Atma-Kalyan".
My Sincere Pranamas to both Sadhgurus lotus feet.
Om Sri Sai Ram Gurudeva Datta.