Science and Research behind Agnihotra
Agnihotra is the simplest form of ‘Yajnya/Homa’ performed in many countries all over the world. It’s an ancient healing technique with fire, entirely based on scientific aspects.
Agnihotra is performed at sunrise and sunset times when far infrared radiations are produced from the sun by the burning of cow ghee, dried cow dung patties, and unpolished rice in an inverted pyramidal-shaped copper pot with the chanting of verses about the sun (Surya) and fire (Agni).
The infrared radiations of the sun and that of Agnihotra resonate to generate a huge amount of vital energy useful for life processes. Agnihotra fumes and ash purify water and air, improve agriculture, reduce harmful microorganisms, and promote health. Agnihotra done in the right timings and ingredients will create a conducive atmosphere in the surrounding for the well-being of life.
For the past 50 years, scientists have been studying the positive effects of Agnihotra, which was revived by Shree Gajanan Maharaj in Maharashtra. About more than 50 Colleges/ Institutions/ Universities are working on the Agnihotra technologies. The research work about Agnihotra technology by Scientists and institutions is written on the blog pages below..
Performing Agnihotra one time releases approximately 5 gallons of oxygen into the atmosphere. This amount of oxygen is equivalent to the average oxygen requirement for a person in his entire lifetime. There is a strong gush of bio-dynamic energy that is attracted from the cosmos and spread to the entire area of a 2-mile radius where Agnihotra is performed. This gush of energy kills the germs and pollutants in the atmosphere purifying the air and increasing the quality of the air. This has been proven by Russian scientists in 1982 in Poland. Agnihora nullifies the nuclear radiation which is otherwise impossible to heal by itself.
The places where Agnihotra is performed are proven to have the lowest carbon monoxide and radioactivity recorded. Hence it's a simple yet highly scientific technique to tackle nuclear radiation.
Agnihotra causes the movement of life forces in the atmosphere and reduces the stagnation of water with all the bio-dynamic convection of current moving into the location where Agnihotra is performed and the life force pushed out. Due to this, there is a cycle of events that happen in 12 hour period from Morning Agnihotra generating a subtle motion of micro-movement of energy causing the water to move and not be stagnant and rotten. With Agnihotra, we are creating an atomized mist of nutrients. The cow manure which we know is incredibly nutritious. We add Ghee and carbohydrates (rice) in Agnihotra, so we are taking all these nutrients and burning them and releasing them into the atmosphere and we are generating an atomized and vaporized mist.
The physical things that are noticed in the land where Agnihotra is practiced, are flowers that came earlier, they lasted longer, and precipitation was more available. Read the blog post below to learn more about the science behind Agnihotra.