Agnihotra is performed exactly the time of sunrise in the morning and exactly at the time of sunset in the evening.
Morning Agnihotra Mantra: Sooryaya swáahá, Sooryáya idam na mama Prajápataye swáahá, Prajápataye idam na mama ||
Evening Agnihotra Mantra: Agnaye swaáhá,Agnaye idam na mama Prajápataye swáahá, Prajápataye idam na mama ||

The power of sound vibrations is long since acknowledged in the field of science.
These vibrations can penetrate the energy spheres at the subtle and cosmic levels. All the alphabets of the Sanskrit language are endowed with special vibrational powers, which set out harmonious wave patterns when pronounced.
It is interesting to note that Dr. Howard Steingull, an American Scientist has established that recitation of Gayatri Mantra produces 110,000 sound waves per second. In fact recitation of the Gayatri Mantra during the fire worship (Yagnya) acts supplementary.
The patterns of chanting of Mantras are so designed that they latently contain the essence of the music or the quite essential sound of the torrent of life sustaining energies emanating from the cosmic energy centre of the corresponding Mantras. (The cosmic energy centre a deity associated with the Gayatri Mantra is Sun). Uttering of these Mantras produces vibrations which are soothing to human mind, all plant and animal life. These vibrations also help in spreading specific energy waves in the surrounding atmosphere as the oblations are offered.
Morning Agnihotra Mantra
Sooryaya swáahá, Sooryáya idam na mama
Prajápataye swáahá, Prajápataye idam na mama ||
Unto the sun I am offering this offering. This is not mine, this is Thine.
Sooryáya … sun
swáhá … offering
Sooryáya … sun
idam … this
na mama … not mine
prajá … all the living
pataye … the lord
swaha, … offering
prajá … all the living
pataye … the lord
idam … this
na mama … not mine
Evening Agnihotra Mantra:
Purport and Context
In Depth Details of Mantra and Vibrations

|| Hari OM ||