Yajnya: Agnihotra, the Smallest Form of Yajnya. Yajnya is a process based on biorhythms of which man is a prisoner. Various rhythms of nature corresponding to the rotation of the Earth and other cosmic objects affect
the human body and mind
Daan: Sharing your assets in a spirit of humility.Daan is not merely giving cash or material possessions. It involves several disciplines. If the these are not observed, Daan becomes a mere donation. We practice Daan to reduce our attachment to worldly
Tapa sensitizes the body, makes the flow of PRANA harmonious and the will power is strengthened. The resistance that the body and mind offer in the pursuit of the Path of the Light is broken and the bodily vehicle becomes a more sensitive instrument of consciousness.
The law of Karma: “reap as you sow". It states that “you are the planter of the seed and the reaper of the deed." Your circumstances, pleasant or unpleasant, are the result of your past actions. Your efforts in the present moment determine what you will be in the future.
Self Study
It is the Light that shines within you and it is not dependent on anything outside. Search for this Light is the Divinity. What is Karma (good action)? What is Akarma (bad action)? What is Vikarma (the specific allotted task of a person)? To know this is Swadhyaya.
Five Fold Path Mission
Spreading Agnihotra - An Ancient Science of Healing with Fire
Guruji Shree Mohan Jadhav and his team are tirelessly working around the clock to help the humanity heal and purify themselves in turn to create a happy world for all. Your support is greatly appreciated.